Lexie Carroll -
'We Never Made It To Glasgow'
Lexie Carroll - 'We Never Made It To Glasgow'
Director: Ethan Ross @ethanmross
Producer: Lucía Lara Hernández @lucia.larah
Production company: Big Tent Films @bigtentfilms
1st AD: Molly Farnham @molly.farnham
PA: Jack Lunniss @jacklunniss
DOP: Will Marchant @will.marchant
1st AC: Theo Cordery @theojamescordery
2nd AC: Emmanuel Li @emmanuel_li_
Gaffer: Michael Doran @michaelobriendoran
Desk Op: Kristof Keszthelyi @kristof_d_keszthelyi
Spark: Sasha Hunter @hunteralexanderhunter
Spark: Zand Maroof @zandmaroof
Production Designer: Alisha Kulshrestha @alishakulshrestha
Miniatures Artist: Gee Blackshaw @geevil.arts
Art Assistant: Ryan Facey @ryanfacey_
Editor: Ethan Ross @ethanmross
Colourist: Emmanuel Li @emmanuel_li_
VFX: Ibrahim K. Muhammad @ikm.films
BTS Photographer: Leroy Boateng @_leroyboateng
BTS Videographer: Ali Hadji-Heshmati @alihadjiheshmati
Equipment - Verve & Pilot Lighting
Lexie Carroll
Gemma Stark
Jude McCreath
Sophie Sunday Warner